Certified Financial Coach
Education Center™
Education Center for Certified Financial Coach™ Certificants

Gain Financial Control
Is being a Certified Financial Coach™ right for you? Individuals ready for a new career course find this training life changing. Interested in Continuing Education Credits that gives you an edge with your current clients? Learn Certified Financial Coach™ skills which provide you with a new level of professionalism and a higher level of success.
Learn Financial Coaching skills through our full Certified Financial Coach™ program or through CE qualified programs.
Our Financial Coach program is the only program currently accepted by the Certified Financial Coach™ Board of Governors allowing candidates to complete the Certified Financial Coach™ curriculum requirement and apply for certification as a Certified Financial Coach™.
The Certification and Licensing process administered by the CFC-Board of Governors identifies to the public those individuals who have been authorized to use the certification mark Certified Financial Coach™.
To receive this certification, candidates are trained to meet rigorous professional standards of both the CFC-Board of Governors and the International Coach Federation (ICF, the premier credentialing organizations, internationally, for credentialing coaches).
What is a Certified Financial Coach™
A Certified Financial Coach™ helps their clients stand in financial reality, understand how money serves wealth (distinct from money defining wealth), helps clients develop and practice healthy financial actions to serve their cash flow longevity, and create a new sense of personal prosperity and well-being.
The Certified Financial Coach™ is specially trained in a transformational method of coaching which helps clients see what they were unwilling to see before!
Why become a Certified Financial Coach™?
A Certified Financial Coach™ helps individuals understand and relate to money in a way that makes life more meaningful.
The training and coaching skills taught in Certified Financial Coach™ training far surpass what any other financial or coaching professional certification processes teach.
Helping others develop a heart of peace around money starts with valuable self coaching skills and tools you learn to bring a new understanding of wealth to others.
Gain Personal Financial Power